Ramsey Test Study Guide Mte


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↪ Looking to Assess your Current Employees? We have a number of comprehensive measures designed to help training programs identify areas of deficiency in the knowledge and skills of employees and applicants. Using information from these measures, you can customize your development plan to each individual to target their needs., Ramsay Corporation's MainTest is the quickest and easiest way to identify and target areas for improvement in your workforce. Sample MainTest Report Our flagship product for diagnostic testing is the MainTest. This is a 21-category, 153-item test that provides detailed insight into the knowledge and skills of candidates. You can compare each candidate's scores, by category, with our national pool of data consisting of results from over 13,000 maintenance workers.


The MainTest is available for administration in both and via our.


Congratulations, Wayne. I agree with Dennis in that, after observing your posts here, I am not surprised that you did well. Hopefully it will be a happy 'marriage' for both you and the plant.I really appreciate all the flowers, but I'm not in yet, last week I took a 'work test that was tough' all I'll say is it involved moving sand bags, At 53 I'm no spring chicken anymore and I know I made a few mistakes on it, as I was soooooo nervous and under much pressure to get through this one, so for now I'm just waiting on the phone call. If you are going to work for the plant that is at the top of Cline Ave, good luck! I did my electrical apprenticeship there '75-'77. The training they provided has served me well ever since. Cutler-Hammer had a very good DC Crane Control Handbook that went through control wiring and power wiring for cranes.


Ramsey Test Study Guide Mtemc

I worked primarily at #3 Open Hearth. I think it's been closed down now. Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF), Continuous Caster are good places to work. Best advice is keep your head on a swivel. You won't be able to hear anything coming at you most of the time, you have to time it and sense it.

Good luck!If your talking about the one in East Chicago, which was the old LTV plant its also owned by Mittal? I too am applying to a large steel mill in my area and have to take the Ramsey test. Where did you find your study material or is there a practice test out there Look at post 7 for the study books I used and where to get them, but beware that each company will have the Ramsey test set up like they want it, its a designer test that the company giving the test has a say so in what questions and areas of maintenance is included or not. Also see my responce in post 11 and good luck, as of yet I'm being told the job positions was filled in house, still not sure about what is going on, but doesn't look good. Last edited by hurk27; 10-06-11 at 12:43 AM.