Ibew Aptitude Test Study Guide


Applicants for Electrical Construction Apprenticeship who meet all other minimum requirements will be scheduled to take the NJATC Apprenticeship Test Battery. The Aptitude test is administered monthly at our location and takes approximately two and a half hours to complete. It consists of two parts: Algebra and Reading Comprehension.

A short break is given between the two parts of the test. Applicants receiving a score of at least “4” (out of a possible “9”) will be advanced to the next step of the application process, a personal interview with the JATC Committee. Applicants who have documented at least 4000 hours of electrical construction work experience are not required to receive a minimum score for a personal interview, but will be required to take the test so Aptitude can be measured. Aptitude Test Rules Bring a photo ID to the test. Your ID will be checked. No ID, no test-no exceptions! Arrive 5-10 minutes before the scheduled test time.

Njatc Aptitude Test Study Guide

Late entries will not be permitted. A late show is the same as a “No Show”. A $10.00 rescheduling fee will apply. Calculators of any kind may NOT be used during the test. Do not bring any type of calculator.

This website offers courses on resume writing, preparation for the aptitude test, and interview preparation. Completion of these courses is optional. Aptitude Test. The IBEW, IEC, and ABC apprenticeships are the major education providers to today's electrician. Our goal is to help you answer questions about electrician pay, apprenticeships, tools, job site atmosphere, and more! Electrical Apprentice Aptitude Test Study Guide The use of electricians within our daily lives are very important, they are highly valued for resolving electrical issues both at home and at the company offices.

Pencils and scrap paper are provided for computation. If you do not receive a qualifying score (4 or higher), you will not be eligible to retake the test (at any JATC in the country) for a period of six months. Do NOT attempt to retake the test before the six month period elapses.

If you retest before the six month period elapses, your score will not be valid and another six months must elapse before the next retest. Cincinnati 212 JATC accepts WORKKEYS NCRC Certificate in lieu of taking our aptitude test. You must have a minimum score of a 4 on all three sections, Applied Mathmatics, Reading for Information and Locating Information.

Ibew aptitude test study guide

Frequently Asked Questions Q. If I do not score well on the tests, can I take them again? Yes, you may retake the test after a period of six (6) months has elapsed from your last test date. A $10.00 retest fee will apply.

Are there any penalties for guessing on the test? No, there are no penalties for guessing. Your score will be based on the number of questions you answer correctly. Should I study to do better on the test? You should review the sample questions which will be provided to you when the test is scheduled. It is suggested that you “brush up” on your Algebra and Reading Comprehention skills before taking the test.

There is no need to memorize formulas or factual material in order to do well on the test. A good preparation tool would be the Khan Academy Links Below and confirming your knowledge encompassing the following subjects: ALGEBRA: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals, Integers, Rational Numbers, Exponents, Algebra Essentials, Equations, Formulas, and Inequalities, Ratios, Rates, and Proportions, The Cartesian Plane, Systems of Equations. READING COMPREHENTION: Q. If I do not complete the test, can I complete it another day? If you do not complete all of the test, your score will be based on the questions you do complete. You will not be able to reschedule to take the test again for another six months and a $10.00 retest fee will apply. Will I receive a report of my score?

You will be informed whether or not you have received a qualifying score. Kobelco 160 dynamic acera parts manual. Exact scores are not provided.

If you have turned in a qualifying application you will receive a testing date and time for your aptitude test, which will be scheduled approximately a month following your application. You will receive a booklet with a sample test.

To view this sample test online click go to. It is a good idea to make sure that you are comfortable with Algebra and Functions. The Algebra and Functions section will consist of 33 questions within 46 minutes. The Reading Comprehension section will consist of 36 questions within 51 minutes. There will be a short break between the two sections. There are no penalties for guessing.

Your score will be based on the number of items you answer correctly. You will not be allowed to use a calculator for the test. If you will need special accommodations during the test, make arrangements with the training center as soon as you receive your aptitude test date. Tests are scored by an independent facility. The training center will receive the results approximately two to four weeks after you test.

The training center will then notify you of the results by mail. If you do not obtain a qualifying score on the test battery you must wait six months before re-testing (you will need to reapply). If you receive a qualifying score on the test battery you will be scheduled for an oral interview approximately one month following your aptitude test.

Neca Ibew Aptitude Test Study Guide

For a comprehensive review of math, the NJATC offers a Tech Math class through the University of Tennessee,. This online math class is self-paced and starts off with whole numbers and works through Boolean Algebra fundamentals.

Interview The interview is approximately 10 minutes long and takes place in front of a panel of 4 -10 interviewers. These will be representatives from IBEW 48, the Training Center, and the National Electrical Contractors Association. Your interview score determines how well you rank on the ranked list of eligible candidates. Your score is valid for 2 years, and you cannot reapply within that two year time period. You may, however, qualify for a re-interview and therefore receive a new rank. Oregon and Washington WorkSource offices provide mock interviews. To locate a WorkSource location in Oregon visit.

To locate a location in Washington visit. At least six months, 180-days, has passed since the date of the initial interview and in the interim the applicant has either:. Gained at least 1000 hours of trade-related work experience (trade-related work experience hours should not be a continuation of previous employment in a non-construction type of work) OR. Successfully completed two or more 3-credit or more college-level trade-related classes, one of which must be electrical in nature. The applicant shall submit a completed re-interview request form, provided by the training center. The committee will consider the request and determine whether or not a re-interview is justified.

There is no guarantee that a re-interview will be granted. A re-interview is not guaranteed to improve your rank. Interview Tips. First Impression.The interview committee is invested in the future of their industry.

Enthusiasm for the opportunity to interview will go a long way. Leave yourself plenty of time to arrive at the interview and to calm pre-interview nerves.

A good first impression includes being calm and confident. Make your ten minutes count. Smile and practice good posture and eye contact. Avoid nervous gestures such as crossing your arms and tapping your fingers.

Ibew Aptitude Test Study Guide

A good way to avoid fidgeting is to fold your hands on the table. Attire. Nice pants and a button down shirt are appropriate. Avoid excessive cologne, perfume, jewelry and cosmetics.

Practice good hygiene and be well-groomed. Application portfolio. The panel will review anything that you bring to your interview such as a cover letter, resume, letters of recommendation, photos and certificates. These shall be brought to the interview, not attached to your application. Due to the rapid pace and the high volume of interviews, it is important to draw their attention to your application materials that emphasize your work ethic, ability to work under pressure, and any experience and skills that transfer to the construction industry. Behavioral Interview Questions.These are questions like “Why should we choose you?” There are no right or wrong answers to behavioral interview questions.

The interviewers are getting a sense of your past experiences and how they will translate to your role as an apprentice. Do an internet search of behavioral interview questions - this will give you an idea of what to expect. Prior to your interview, think about life events or experiences that illustrate your knowledge of the construction and electrical industries, your interest in apprenticeship, your ability to work well with others as a team, and your ability to be self-motivated, responsible, and dependable. Now that you have a list of experiences, prepare a response for any questions that you may be asked about each one. Use the structure: Situation Action Result. Situation or task - Describe the event or task, taking care to use enough detail for the interviewer to understand but not so much that you burn up a lot of time.

Action - Describe what you did to complete the task or to resolve the situation. If it was a team effort, keep the focus on what you did effectively. Result - Conclude your answer with a description of the result of your efforts. Include lessons learned if you learned something from the situation.

Be concise but not too concise. Keep your answers positive and specific, and avoid rambling. You have ten minutes - make them count by being succinct, to the point, and focused. Avoid one or two word answers. Ask for clarification if you don’t know how to answer a question. IBEW Electrical Worker.

Explain why becoming a union IBEW electrician or technician is important to you. The selection committee is looking for team players and leaders who have a strong desire and drive to be an asset to the IBEW workforce.

Practice interviewing with your family and friends as much as possible. The more you practice the more relaxed and confident you will be in the interview.