Mosbys Manual Of Diagnostic And Laboratory Tests
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The 3rd edition of this widely used resource offers superb guidance on diagnostic and laboratory testing for health professionals in both academic and clinical.
Synopsis. The 3rd edition of this widely used resource offers superb guidance on diagnostic and laboratory testing for health professionals in both academic and clinical settings. The chapters are organized by test type and each chapter begins with a list of the tests covered within the test type, as well as an overview of that category including specimen collection techniques. The tests are presented in a consistent format that includes normal findings, indications, contraindications, potential complications, interfering factors, procedure and patient care, test results and clinical significance, and related tests.
Mosby Manual Diagnostic Laboratory Tests
This full-color book is easy to use and covers virtually every clinically significant test, including more than 50 new to this edition. A full color interior design and over 140 vivid color photographs and illustrations depict procedures, equipment, techniques, and concepts, making the content more visually appealing to the reader and the concepts easier to understand. Comprehensive coverage of all diagnostic and laboratory tests routinely performed today. Over 700 individual tests are covered in approximately 360 entries.
Clinical Significances of test results, indicated in italic type, explain the pathophysiology of disease processes and how they relate to test results. Color-coded chapter thumb-tabs, alphabetically organized chapters, and two lists of all tests (Appendix A, Alphabetical List of Tests and Appendix B, List of Tests by Body System) make every test easy to find. Critical Values are highlighted with color to alert the reader to situations requiring immediate intervention. Related Tests that provide similar information or are used to evaluate the same body system, disease process, or symptom, are listed after each test entry along with the page number and the purpose of each related test. SI units are included in the Normal Findings of appropriate tests.
Clinical Priorities boxes emphasize especially pertinent information that must be kept in mind when performing or evaluating a test or preparing a patient for a test. A special symbol for drug-related interfering factors alerts readers to the effects of pharmacologic agents on tests. Icon for patient teaching-related care indicates information that should be shared with patients and their families. Home Care Responsibilities provide important patient teaching guidelines and instructions for patients outside of acute care settings. Age-Related Concerns boxes address the special needs of pediatric and geriatric patients and critical age-related variations in values. Abbreviations for tests are listed in an appendix, and symbols and units of measurement are listed on the front inside cover. Increased and decreased abnormal findings are highlighted with directional arrows.
More than 50 new tests have been added, including discussions of the most recently introduced tests such as bioterrorism infectious agents testing, bone turnover biochemical markers (osteocalcin), diabetes mellitus autoantibody panel, mammary ductoscopy, HIV viral load, natriuretic peptides (including BNP), and thryoglobulin. The appendix on Disease and Organ Panels lists the tests in 26 common panels, along with a page reference to the main discussion of each test.