South African Law Grade 12 Study Guide


Sep 10, 2018 - Why study Bachelor of Commerce in Law? There is a growing need for multi-dimensional graduates with the ability to participate in an. Easy to follow video lessons developed by expert teachers for grades R-12. Study at your own pace. Rewind and pause video lessons. Homework questions after video lessons make sure you stay ontop. Vodacom South Africa.

Entrance Requirements A certified, official Grade 11 National Senior Certificate report, which indicates promotion to Grade 12. Course Duration The academic year ends 31 December 2016. Learners are required to complete ALL their assessments within a calendar year. This means, that you will start your studies in January/February and write your final examinations in October/November. SHOULD you enrol AFTER 25 January 2016, you may not sit for the examinations, write controlled tests or submit assignment tasks in that same year. You may however continue working through the study material, but all assessments may only be done in 2016 - the year in which you will write your final examination. Subject Selection Process Make sure that you select the same subjects that you selected in Grade 10 and 11.


Subject Selection Subjects are available in English only. Mathematics OR Mathematics Literacy AND Life Orientation are compulsory. Languages from Group A must be chosen, one of which must be a Home Language.

Mathematical Literacy may not be chosen with Physical Sciences and Agricultural Sciences. Languages from Group 4 must be chosen, one of the which must be a Home Language. Mathematics must be chosen with Physical Sciences. We strongly recommend that you choose Mathematics with Accounting. 2 Languages from Group A must be chosen, one of which must be a Home Language. See below to confirm your subject selection for Grade 12. If you need assistance, do not hesitate to contact a Student Consultant.

Career Choices If you have decided upon a career path in one of the following fields, you may register for subjects from the following proposed lists: SUBJECTS ARE NOT OFFERED IN AFRIKAANS ON THE NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE (GRADE 10, 11, 12). SUBJECTS ARE IN ENGLISH ONLY. Requirements Science. 2 Languages.

Mathematics. Life Orientation. Physical Sciences.

Life Sciences. Geography You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language. Agriculture.

2 Languages. Mathematics. Life Orientation. Agricultural Sciences.

South Africa Law Grade 12 Study Guide

Physical Sciences And/Or. Life Sciences And/Or. Geography You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language. Human And Social Studies. 2 Languages. Mathematics Or. Mathematical Literacy.

Life Orientation. Geography. History. Life Sciences You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language. Business Commerce And Management Studies. 2 Languages. Mathematics Or.

MatheMatical Literacy. Life Orientation. Accounting.

Business Studies. Economics You must register for a total of 7 subjects and at least one language must be a Home Language. Subject Selection Please choose your subjects from the table below: SUBJECTS ARE NOT OFFERED IN AFRIKAANS ON THE NATIONAL SENIOR CERTIFICATE (GRADE 10, 11 AND 12). SUBJECTS ARE IN ENGLISH ONLY.

Additional items (i.e. Dictionaries, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematical instruments, etc) will be required for a particular subject in order to complete the assessments or work required for that subject. These items are NOT included as part of your course fees. A comprehensive list of the items per Grade, per subject may be obtained from a Student Consultant. Choose either Mathematics OR Mathematical Literacy.

You will require a Scientific non-programmable calculator for Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy. Additional items (i.e. Dictionaries, Research Resources, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematical instruments, etc) will be required for a particular subject in order to complete the assessments or work required for that subject. These items are NOT included as part of your course fees. A comprehensive list of the items per Grade, per subject may be obtained from a Student Consultant. Continuous Assessment Tasks (CASS).

South africa law grade 12 study guide

Continuous Assessment is assessment that takes place throughout the year. It consists of various types of assessment tasks such as research projects, controlled tests, investigation tasks, written reports, etc. All continuous assessments for Grade 12, which includes the mock examinations, will be conducted by the College. Your CASS marks and your final examination marks will determine whether you will qualify as a candidate for the National Senior Certificate. You will be provided with a study schedule (which can be found in your study guide) AND an assessment timetable, which will be in the enrolment pack that you will receive after enrolment. The assessment timetable will also be available on the College website. If you enrol in the year preceding the start of your academic year, you must contact the College for a timetable that is applicable to the year in which you will be doing your assessments.

All continuous assessment tasks have to be completed and submitted for marking within the time frames prescribed by the College. The CASS mark contributes 25% towards your total mark and the final examination contributes 75% towards your total mark. Controlled Tests You must write controlled tests for all the subjects that you are studying. This will be in addition to the examinations that will also be written for each subject that you are studying. Controlled tests are tests that take place under supervised, examination conditions. It is a shorter version of an examination.

The dates and times for controlled tests will be in the enrolment pack that you will receive after enrolment. It will also be posted on the College website. These dates and times are subject to change. You must consult the college website ( for the most up-to-date information. You must write your controlled tests and do other assessment tasks in the same year that you register to write the internal mock examination and final external examinations. The college will only provide controlled test venues in major centres in each province in South Africa.

Special arrangements cannot be made for learners who live on the outskirts of major centres. If you do not write your controlled tests, and do the other continuous assessment tasks for all the subjects that you are studying, your CASS mark will be incomplete, and you will not be resulted by the College for your internal mock examination, nor will you be resulted for the external examination that will be conducted by the Department of Basic Education (DBE). You will be provided with a study schedule, which can be found in your study guide. Physical Science Practical Session. Physical Science Grade 12 learners will be required to complete a practical assessment task in a face-to-face (contact) session with a qualified educator. This session will be held on a Saturday.

The College will only provide venues for this assessment task in major centres in each province in South Africa. Special arrangements cannot be made for learners who live on the outskirts of major centres.

Life Orientation. One of the tasks that you have to complete for Life Orientation is a Physical Education Task (PET). This task comprises three sections. One section will be completed for each of the 3 terms. You have to attend face-to-face contact sessions throughout the year, with a Life Orientation educator, for the evaluation of your Physical Education Task (PET). The mark obtained for your Physical Education Task (PET) will form part of your CASS mark. Your study guide for Life Orientation will stipulate the number of compulsory contact sessions for each section of this task.

Life Orientation (PET) sessions will take place on Saturdays. It is important that you attend EVERY contact session. If you fail to attend a contact session, then you will receive a zero for that particular session. In addition to this, you will be liable for the costs incurred for the assessment.

The dates on which assessments for the PET task will take place will be in the Orientation Guide that will be included with your enrolment pack. The College will inform you if there are any changes to these dates. You must also check the College website regularly for the latest information available. There will be a compulsory Life Orientation Common Assessment Task (L.O. CAT) external examination hosted by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) for this subject. It is your responsibility to register with the Department of Basic Education (DBE) for this examination and arrange your own venue/school where you will write this examination. Visit the INTEC website ( for more information regarding this compulsory examination session.

The formal external examination forms part of your final mark. Additional information for the completion of this task is available from the college. Oral Component for Languages. You will be required to do assessments for the oral component of the languages that you are studying. These will be face-to-face contact sessions with qualified language educators. The assessment for the oral component for languages is a formal examination that is compulsory.

It will form part of your SBA mark and part of your final examination mark. The oral examinations are part of a formal examination session and therefore it is compulsory that you attend these. Should you not attend any of the oral examinations, you will fail the entire subject and will have to repeat the subject the following year. The College will appoint a qualified Grade12 language educator who will conduct the assessment for the oral component of the languages that you have chosen to study. Should you not be present on the day that your oral examinations take place, you will not have a complete mark for the subject and you will not be resulted for the subject. A zero mark for the oral examination means that you will have to repeat the entire subject.

When you fail a Home Language, you will have to repeat the Home Language the following year. In addition to this, you will be liable for costs incurred for this assessment. The dates on which the oral examination will take place will be in the enrolment pack that you will receive after enrolment. These dates are subject to change. You must consult the college website ( for the latest information available.

If you enrol in the year preceding the start of your academic year, you must contact the College for a timetable that is applicable to the year in which you will be doing your assessments. Venues at which oral examinations will take place will be provided by INTEC College. Venues will be in major centres in South Africa only. Special arrangements cannot be made for learners who live on the outskirts of major centres. Learner Evidence of Performance File/Portfolio.

You must, as part of your studies, compile (put together) a portfolio for each subject. A portfolio for a particular subject will contain all the required school based assessment tasks/assignments that you have completed (and that have been marked by the College) for each subject. You must keep your portfolio for each subject neatly filed in a safe place for the duration of your studies (and at least 6 months after the final external examinations have been written), because the College may, at any time, request that you submit it for moderation. Your portfolio will be internally moderated by the College AND externally moderated by the Department of Basic Education. Examinations. Grade 12 learners will write 2 full scale examinations: a final external examination administered by the Department of Basic Education (DBE), and an internal mock examination administered by the College. All examination fees are excluded from the enrolment fees.

External Examinations. External Grade 12 examinations are conducted by the Department of Basic Education (DBE). You must be registered for these examinations by 19 February 2016 of the year in which you want to write the October/November final external examinations. Visit the College website ( for the registration process per province for the external examination with the Department of Basic Education.

Even though the College is providing you with the necessary guidelines on external examination registration, it is your responsibility to register for the final external examinations with the Department of Basic Education or an external examination venue offering the NSC Grade 12 examinations, as indicated for your province. You will have to contact the College to inform us of your venue at which you will be writing your final external examinations.

The examination fees for the final external examination will be determined by the examination venue at which you will write. You will be examined on prescribed literature for all languages that you select. Prescribed textbooks and additional study aids for prescribed literature are NOT included in the course. You will have to source and purchase prescribed literature textbooks and additional study aids from external suppliers and publishers. Umalusi will issue you with a National Senior Certificate after it has been determined that you meet the minimum pass requirements for the National Senior Certificate. Internal Examination.

You must write the internal mock examinations in the same year that you register to write the final external examinations. If you do not register for the mock examinations, your SBA mark will be incomplete; and you will not be resulted. The internal mock examinations are administered by INTEC College in August/September. Your enrolment with the College and registration for examinations are two separate processes.

However, the examination registration form and the enrolment form MUST be submitted to the College together. It is compulsory that you complete the examination registration form, to ensure that you are registered for the final and mid-year examinations, controlled tests, oral examinations and Life Orientation PET sessions. Upon FINAL acceptance of your enrolment with the College, you will automatically be registered for these assessment tasks. Examination venues will be provided in major centres in each province in South Africa. Special arrangements cannot be made for learners who live on the outskirts of major centres. Examination fees are excluded from your enrolment fees. These examination fees are R650 per subject and are subject to change.

Examination fees are payable by 31 March 2016. You will be examined and assessed on prescribed literature for all languages that you select. Prescribed textbooks and additional study aids for prescribed literature are NOT included in the course.

You will have to source and purchase prescribed literature textbooks and additional study aids from external suppliers and publishers. The College will issue you with a progress report for the mock examinations. NB: Registration with the College for internal examinations and registration with the Department of Basic Education for external national examinations are two SEPARATE processes. Course Fees Contact a Student Consultant if you require information on course fees. INTEC College (Pty) Ltd. Is provisionally registered as a private college with the Department of Higher Education and Training under the Continuing Education and Training Act, No.

Registration Certificate Number: 2008/FE07/025. INTEC College (Pty) Ltd. Is provisionally accredited by Umalusi, the Quality Council for General and Further Education and Training.

Accreditation number: FET 00037. INTEC College (Pty) Ltd is further accredited by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) Accreditation number: 13/0006.

More Study Options That do not Require you to Have a Matric Certificate Have a look at your wide range of study options below. Professional Institutes Professional institutes are educational providers who are experts working within their field. For example, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) is an educational provider run by actual management accountants. When you register with a professional institute, you become a member. Many professional institutes, such as CIMA, give members access to knowledge, resources, and networks which greatly improve your skills.


ICB: Courses you can study without Grade 12 With Professional Institutes like the Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB) and CIMA, you can achieve high-level qualifications which companies recognise and respect. These qualifications better your chances of finding work and can help get you promoted if you are working at the moment. These professional institutes have made sure that their qualifications are fully recognized and accredited. In turn, they have certified other educational organizations to provide their courses. Distance Learning Distance learning basically means studying from a distance, meaning you do not have to travel and attend any classes in person. You get your study material through the post or delivered through a courier. This study option is great for adults who have to, or want to earn an income while studying, have commitments like taking care of family, or simply want the freedom that distance learning gives them.

Distance learning is also becoming an option for people who were not accepted into full-time universities and colleges. Scarce Skills are skills within careers in which there are not enough qualified professionals. This includes careers like Trainee Accountant, Debt Collector, Finance Manager, Management Consultant, Business Administrator, General Accountant, General Clerk, Accounts Clerk and Payroll Clerk. What Certifications can you Study to Gain Scarce Skills? You can start with (Institute of Certified Bookkeepers) accreditation at below-matric level.

This makes for easy entry into the course. The ICB uses a series of Bookkeeping, Accounting, Office Administration, Business Studies and Entrepreneurship qualifications.

These accreditations are all recognised by the Finance and Accounting Services Sector Education and Training Authority (FASSET). The ICB qualifications are provided through home study colleges and academies. How can I Study Without Grade 12?

Matric is a level 4 certification on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The NQF is a system used to grade all recognised qualifications in South Africa. There are many courses you can study that are also certified on NQF level 4. You can use them to study up to NQF level 6 (National Diploma level). The entry requirement to these type of qualifications are that you should be older than 16, have a grade 10 certificate, and be able to read and write in English. Much of these courses of study are much better targeted at a career or job, than matric. Matric does not prepare you for any specific job.

It is actually just a way to gain entry into college and university programs. At Skills Academy, we offer for students who have not completed their matric. How can I Study Without Mathematics? When you start a course at NQF level 3 (one year lower than the matric academic level) then you don’t require mathematics to get entry to the course. User manual template.

If the course includes maths, then it begins at a Grade 10 or Grade 11 level. So, you do not require matric mathematics to start one of these courses.